Thursday, October 31, 2019

Immunosurveillance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Immunosurveillance - Essay Example There is a third element in the research for investigating interactions between the immune system and neoplasia. This is that neoplasia deliberately develop certain defence mechanisms against the incumbent system in such a manner that they successfully evade punitive action (Chernock et al, Undated). This paper's purpose is to investigate what these evasive strategies may be and how they assist neoplasia to evade immune reaction. In the 1950s Lewis Thomas and Sir MacFarlane Burnet postulated the theory positing that effector cells of the immune system constantly patrol the body to actively identify and eradicate incipient tumour cells (Ichim, 2005). In the 1970, subsequent research found that T-cells may be implicated in this defensive mechanism (Ichim, 2005). This theory fell out of favour in the 1980s as research studies noted certain discrepancies in it but, in the 1990s, it was again revived because subsequent research studies noted that it was partially viable (Bhardwaj, 2007). It is observed that both the innate immune system - phagocytes, NK cells, NKT cells, cytokines, proteins, etc. - and the adaptive immune system - B- and T-cells, etc. - do fight neoplasia but, ultimately, it is observed for most spontaneous tumours that the overall immune system fails to entirely rid the organism of the cancerous cells. This is so as per three acknowledged phases to the immune response - 1) the elimination phase during which nascent tumourous cells are eliminated by the immune system; 2) the equilibrium phase when the tumour cells persist but are held in abeyance by the immune system; and 3) the escape phase when the tumour cells develop strategies to combat the immune system (Bhardwaj, 2007). This is the whole concept of 'immunoediting' and the last phase - the escape phase - is the one the paper is interested in because it is the one in which the neoplasia develop successful strategies in evading immune reaction. Evasive Strategies The evasive strategies adopted by neoplasia may be pre-existing or adaptive. Since such develop from healthy normal cells, some of the progenitor cells' evasive strategies pre-exist in them (Chernock et al, Undated). Pre-existing Strategies: Normal cells are incorporated by certain mechanisms that assist them in evading the body's own immune reactions. Such mechanisms may be self-tolerance, shielding from proper surveillance, antigen shedding, lymphocyte killing, secretion of immunosuppressive cytokines, lack of MHC2 expression, lack of co-stimulatory molecules and local secretion of prostaglandins and neuropeptides. These strategies are often sustained in neoplasm (Chernock et al, Undated). They ultimately, to a large extent, help the mutant cells maintain themselves with impunity in the organism's body. Adaptive Strategies: Nevertheless, such mutant cells are altered and have certain distinct proteins that differ from normal cells and these may be recognised by the immune system. To evade this eventuality such cells develop strategies that are not inherited from normal cells but are variants developed customarily by the mutant cells themselves as per requirements. Such adapted strategies may be up-regulation of the evasive tactics of healthy cells still existing in the mutants,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The effects of media on prosocial behaviour Essay Example for Free

The effects of media on prosocial behaviour Essay There has been substantial number of studies that has provided evidence for the potential value of the media for the development of prosocial behaviour. Prosocial behaviour can be defined as helping behaviour, altruism or generally any behaviour that is positive and calculated to promote the interests of society. Television programmes contain many examples of good behaviour acting kindly and with generosity. Studies demonstrate that children may imitate forms of prosocial behaviour such as altruism, positive interaction with others when exposed to models who display such behaviours. This is especially true when the model is rewarded for their behaviour. In Bryan and Bryans (1970) study, 6 to 9 year olds were shown a specially recorded filmof a character bowling and winning gift certificates. 3 conditions: 1. the character gave some of his certificates to charity 2. He kept them to himself 3. The charater also preached the emnrts of giving to charity. After watching the film, the children were put in a similar situation and wer observed to see if they too would give to charity. Results those who had seen character being generous were likely to display generosity whilst those who saw him being selfish were less generous. Interestingly, it was the actions of the character that were infuenital whilst his words made no difference. One positive effect of television might be that witnessing others behaving aggressively helps viewers to get their aggressive feelings out of their systems and hence be less likely to behave aggressively. This claims that television can act as a form of vicarious catharsis. Singer (1989) provided evidence that shows television is only carthartic for a particular personality type or those who score high on cognitive measures of fantasy, daydreaming and imagination. Greenfield (1984) has claimed that television literacy involves teaching childrem to be informed consumers of television. This includes distinguishing between social reality and the make-believe world of television, interpreting and assessing sex role and minority group stereotypes. Huesmann et al. (1983) allocated young children who were known to have a large amount of exposure to T. V to a control or experimental group. The experimental group received 3 training sessions designed to reduce the modelling of aggessive behaviour seen on t. v. They were taught that t. v does not portray the world as it realkly is, that camera techniqes and special effects give theb illusion that charaters are perofrming their highly aggressive and unrealistic feats, and that most peopel use other methods to solve the problems encountered by characters in t. v programmes. Results compared with the control group, the experimental group showed less overall aggressive behaviour and lowered identification wth televised charaters. These effects had persisted when the participants were followed up 2 years later. OConnor found that specially prepared t.v material can hel[ lonely, self-conscious children t make friends more readily. Children who have difficulty getting on with their peers can watch fictional scenarios in which they see how to mix with others in various social situations. Studies have shown that childrens willingness to help can be increased through viewing a televised example of a specific prosocial behaviour. Television productions such as Sesame Street are designed to enhance the social maturity and responsiblity of young viewers. Children who watch this are able tp identify and remember the cooperative and helping  behaviours are emphasised. They also showed increased abilities to learn from the exercises contained on the programme (e. g. counting, letter recognition) as well as being better prepared for school life (Lesser 1974). However this is not true for all children. Rockman (1980) found that when programmes have a character struggling with a particular problem (e. g bullying, divorce etc) but cannot make a decision, children are able to understand the content and can then generate prosocial rather than antisocial solutions to the problem faced in the plot. The more violence we are exposed to on t.  v, the more densitised we become and so we are less likely to engage in violent behaviour, watching violence on t. v makes me less tolerant to violence in society. Conclusion/evaluation Research focuses too much on the influences of television and are not focusing on the benefits of the newspaper, radio, etc. According to Gunter (1998), the ordinary broadcast material can enhance a wide range of helping behaviours. It is important that people should be able to see antisocial behaviour in the media so that they can distinguish between prosocial and antisocial behaviour.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Overview Che Guevara History Essay

A Overview Che Guevara History Essay The principal subject of historical debate surrounding Che Guevara is whether or not he succeeded as a revolutionary. The debate can become quite implausible as some regard him as a folk hero of mythical proportions. There is a sense of irony in that Guevara has become worldwide fascination as a commercial product, although Guevaras motive for the revolutionary uprising was to conquer capitalism. This thesis will argue the ways in which Guevaras legacy has been received and interpreted (listed below), as well as identifying the origins of his profound popularity. Description of Preliminary Research and Research Intentions: Main areas or issues you plan to discuss in your essay The overall focus is the interpretation of Che Guevara and his legacy over time. With this, the main topics of the debate are: The life of Che Guevara was one of controversy and thereby one must place emphasis into questioning the significance he holds in the pantheon of international revolutionary heroes and ideals. Herewith, the historian must evaluate Guevaras success from a political/empiricist perspective. The complete commitment to the revolutionary struggle to create a new man and a just/social order that continues to inspire those who struggle against social injustice. With this, one must investigate how these ideals impact on the post-Guevara population of modern-day society. To do this the historian must evaluate Guevaras success from a social perspective. Guevara has become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the legend that built it. With this, one must evaluate how and why his image has become a dominant face of contemporary popular culture. In relation to this debate, Guevara has ironically become an important image for money-wielding capitalists. Therefore, the historian must evaluate Guevaras success from a determinist/economic perspective. Project Synopsis The thesis explores specifically whether or not Che Guevara succeeded as a political revolutionary and a powerful icon in contemporary popular culture after his death. Guevaras life provides a significant historical debate as Guevara has often been criticised as a murderer, a hypocrite and a failure. His attempt to unite several Latin-American nations under a communist rule was unsuccessful, although he is often regarded as a hero to many of the inhabitants of these countries. The precise thesis question to be focused on is Evaluate the changing views on Ernesto Che Guevaras success and legacy following his death in 1967 to the present day. This question was developed as an investigation into how and why Guevara obtained an iconic status in society, and whether or not he is regarded as being a success or a failure. Originally, this question focused only on Guevaras failed attempt of uniting Latin-American nations and placed an inquiry into why Guevara became so popular. Through thorough research and academic critique, it was discovered that there were more sophisticated elements to the thesis question. The life of Che Guevara was one of controversy and thereby one must place emphasis into questioning the significance he holds in the pantheon of international revolutionary heroes and ideals. Guevara made a complete commitment to the revolutionary struggle to create a new man and a just/social order that continues to inspire those who struggle against social injustice. Herewith, one must investigate how these ideals impact on the post-Guevara population of modern-day society. Guevara has also become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the legend that built it. With this, one must evaluate how and why his image has become a dominant face of contemporary popular culture, as well as the face of marketisation. Different historians have produced varying answers to the specific question. In the thesis, the strength of these claims is explored in an attempt to resolve the issue of whether Guevara succeeded or not, but the sources themselves their motivation, influences and perspective are also explored to ensure that the different historical perspectives are not simply described, but evaluated. This focus question is resultantly a mix of history and historiography. Project Essay Ernesto Che Guevara remains a potent iconic presence in society, with his life the subject of new biographies, his visage on T-shirts, and his highly-regarded influence in the political spectrum. The Argentinean-born guerilla leader who helped Fidel Castro seize power in Cuba in 1959 remains one of the few unsullied heroes available to the political left. His thoughts (as evidenced in his book, Guerilla Warfare) on revolutionary strategy, bureaucracy, education, economics, the role of the party, internationalism, attitude to work and democratic centralism have been regarded as the force behind the Latin-American Revolutions. Guevara had an indomitable belief in the worth of education and was self-taught in economics and Marxism. Marxs concept that it is not enough to interpret the world, it must be transformed was at the heart of Guevaras life. Guevara strongly believed that key analytical concepts must be adapted and modified by practice. Guevara felt that the struggle against capitalism and the construction of a new socialist society required a new type of human being who would be willing to make personal sacrifices for the well-being of others. Historian Richard Harris states, His life as a revolutionary was a success as evidenced by the continuing significance he holds in the pantheon of international revolutionary heroes and ideals. The example he set of complete commitment to the revolutionary struggle to create a new man, freed from his alienation, educated and ready to struggle every day for his liberty and a just social/international order continues to inspire those who struggle against social injustice and oppression and seek to create a new social order based on the ideals of socialism. In this context, Che has in death succeeded more than he ever could have imagined  [1]  . Historian Siles del Valle argues rather convincingly that Guevaras views on the new man motivated him, his comrades and the young B olivian revolutionaries who followed in their footsteps a few years later to sacrifice their lives for a new society and a new kind of human being. Many of the adherents of this theology of the new man established close links with popular revolutionary movements throughout the region. In Bolivia, after the failure of Guerillas guerilla movement, and in other countries such as Chile, Brazil and Peru, the most progressive sectors of the church, influenced by the ideals of liberation theology, associated themselves with Marxist and neo-Marxist revolutionary movements. In Bolivia, this tendency resulted in the participation of certain younger members of the Christian Democratic Party in a revolutionary guerilla movement that attempted to establish a base of operations in 1970 around the mining town of Teoponte, north of the capital of La Paz  [2]  . Although the idea of guerilla warfare was no longer accepted as a viable form of resistance to the military regime at the time, important elements within the Bolivian people began to idealize and even venerate the guerillas. Historian Siles de Valle illustrates the importance of how Guevaras death, his concept of the new man, the ideals of liberation theology, and the political movements inspired by Guevaras example have influenced Bolivian popular literature and politics right up to the present  [3]  . This influence is evident in that the first indigenous president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, is said to be re-launching Guevaras project of a peasants revolution in the country. Morales stated that he admires Guevara because, he fought for equality and for justice. He did not just care for ordinary people; he made their struggle his own.  [4]   The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere affairs, Roger Pardo-Maurer IV, states, You have a revolution going on in Bolivia, a revolution that potentially could have consequences as far-reaching as the Cuban revolution of 1959. What is going on in Bolivia today could have repercussions in Latin America and elsewhere that you could be dealing with for the rest of your lives. Che Guevara sought to ignite a war based on igniting a peasant revolutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This project is back  [5]  . Herewith, Evo Morales could become the countrys first authentically politically leftist president. In contrast, Historian Jay Mallin provides the argument that Guevaras influence was ineffective in Bolivia. He states that, charisma is never enough when it comes to leftist movements. The fate of Che Guevara, who failed to foment a Latin American revolution and left no coherent societal model behind for his followers, should have taught us that already.  [6]   Mallin also believes that Guevara had no purpose to be in Bolivia. Mallin affirms that, the peasants displayed little or no interest in aiding him [Guevara]  [7]  . During the 1950s, Bolivia had undertaken agrarian reform, and most of the peasants now owned their own land. A high-ranking Bolivian official commented: What could Che offer them? Cabinet posts? Mallins comment indicates that although Guevara was attempting to eradicate the alienation of the individuals on behalf of the population, the peasant majority perceived him as worthless as they had already been benefiting from the capitalists agrarian reform scheme s. Mallin considers Guevara to be a failure due to the fact that he was a leading theoretician and advocate of guerilla warfare, but he failed in an attempt to apply his own doctrines  [8]  . Since Castro came to power in 1959, he and Guevara had launched or encouraged more than a dozen guerilla operations throughout Latin America. Not one of these has succeeded in overthrowing a government; several have been wiped out completely; and some still splutter along  [9]  . Although much criticism of Guevara and his legacy emanates from the political center and right, there has also been criticism from other political groups such as anarchists and civil libertarians, Bolivian officials and right-wing conservatives, some of whom considered Guevara an authoritarian, anti-working-class Stalinist, whose goal was the creation of a more bureaucratic state-Stalinist regime. Mallins irrefutable argument is that Guevara was a man of considerable capabilities, but he chose to employ these talents in pursuit of violence as a means to a political end  [10]  . A doctor by profession, Guevara chose not to serve humanity selflessly, but rather to serve communism selflessly. And this indeed he did, relinquishing power and position in order to begin, literally, from scratch once again, to risk his life a new time in obedience to his tortured ideas. Therefore, Guevara can be considered a failure when evaluating his legacy within a political context. Although his attempt at unifying the Latin American nations provided him with an iconic status, the contemporary effort by politicians to follow in Guevaras footsteps has been deemed unsuccessful (except for Cuba as it still survives and was a critical reason for the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961  [11]  ), especially with the Bolivian president Evo Morales, who has little hope of fulfilling the expectations of h is followers. Called the most complete human being of our age by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, Guevaras supporters believe he may yet prove to be the most important thinker and activist in Latin America since Simon Bolivar  [12]  . The most important factor of Guevaras legacy after his death was his status as a popular icon, symbolizing revolution and left-wing political ideals among youngsters in Western and Middle Eastern Cultures. A dramatic photograph of Guevara taken by photographer Alberto Korda soon became one of the centurys most recognizable images, and the portrait was simplified and reproduced on a vast array of merchandise, such as T-shirts, posters, coffee mugs and baseball caps. When Guevara died, millions mourned his passing. Poets and philosophers wrote impassioned eulogies to him, musicians composed tributes, and painters rendered his portrait in a myriad of heroic poses. Marxist guerillas in Asia, Africa and Latin America anxious to revolutionize their societies held his banner aloft as they went into battle. And, as the youth in the United States and Western Europe rose up against the established order over the Vietnam War, racial prejudice, and social orthodoxy, Guevaras defiant visage became the ultimate icon of their fervent protest on influencing government policies. Guevaras body might have vanished, but his spirit has lived on; Guevara was nowhere and everywhere at once  [13]  . As Jorge Castaneda so aptly states in his evaluation of Guevara, Many of us today owe the few attractive and redeeming features of our daily existence to the sixties, and Che Guevara personifies the era, if not the traits, better than anyone  [14]  . Latin-American Historians Castaneda, Anderson and Taibo examine the extent to which Guevara was committed to both fomenting socialist revolution on a truly international scale and personally putting into practice his thesis that it was possible for a small but committed guerrilla fighting force to ignite a full-scale popular revolution in Latin-American nations saddled by oppressive regimes and U.S. imperialism. His commitment to these beliefs was shared by most of his closest friends and comrades as well as many admirers and sympathizers around the world. Guevara exemplified the principles of individual sacrifice, honesty, dedication to cause, and personal conviction in his beliefs. In fact, the example he created by the way he lived his life and met his death has transcended time and ideology to nurture and inspire new generations of fighters and dreamers  [15]  . Guevaras defiant visage, as Anderson believes, has become the ultimate icon of revolutionary spirit and commitment in the late twentieth century  [16]  . Guevara was truly a man who died for his beliefs, and because of his almost mythical self-sacrifice for his revolutionary ideals he has been the single most important figure of veneration for revolutionaries and guerilla fighters around the world. Historian Castaneda links Guevaras legacy to what he sees as the legacy of the international youth revolt that took place in the 1960s: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This is the lasting legacy of that decade. It is also what made Guevara the perfect fit, the supreme emblem of that cultural revolt a man whose politics were conventional but whose attitude toward power and politics attained epic and unique dimensionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [17]   This component of Guevaras legacy can be evidenced through the increased involvement of the New Left youth revolts during the 1960s. The New Left sought to modify, rather than overthrow capitalism. It sought to make capitalism more inclusive and better share the massive wealth the United States enjoyed in the postwar period making the New Left relevant as this was a constituent of Guevaras ideologies. Castaneda supports his argument by stating that Che can be foundà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in the niches reserved for cultural icons, for symbols of social uprisings that fi lter down deep into the soil of society,  [18]   but while there is truth in this assertion it is also clear that Guevaras legacy is greater than this. Bolivian literature, as exemplified by Harris, is testimony to the influence on Bolivian society of Ches guerilla mission and death  [19]  . Though he is seen by many as a hero, opponents of Guevara, including Cuban exiles, think of him as a killer and terrorist. They point to what they see as the less savoury aspects of Guevaras life, taking the viewpoint that he was enthusiastic about executing opponents of the Cuban Revolution. Some of Guevaras writing is cited as evidence of this tendency, as quoted in an article by Alvaro Vargas Llosa. In his Message to the Tricontinental, Llosa writes of hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.  [20]   Critics in the United States assert that Che Guevara was responsible for the torture and execution of hundreds of people in Cuban prisons, and the murder of many more peasants in the regions controlled or visited by his guerilla forces. Contrary to Guevara supporters, these critics also argue that Guevara was a blundering tactician with no recorded combat victories. While supporters point to the Battle of Santa Clara as a major victory of Guevara, historian Alvaro Vargas Llosa writes, his greatest military achievement in the fight against Batista taking the city of Santa Clara after ambushing a train with heavy reinforcements is seriously disputed. Numerous testimonies indicate that the commander of the train surrendered in advance, perhaps after taking bribes. They believe that Guevara murdered individuals on dubious grounds and took their property, seized private manors for himself, and distributed property among communist bureaucrats rather than the peasants. The critics also st ate that he helped institute forced labour camps when communist volunteerism had failed. Herewith, his social legacy has proven to be notorious as early followers of Guevara have had to transcend hate in order to be attain freedom. A corresponding element of Guevaras legacy is his success and veneration within an economic context. Guevara believed that the revolutionary regime needed to promote the development among Cubas working class of a new communist consciousness based on moral rather than material incentives. He also believed strongly that the regime needed to adopt a centralised budgetary system for the equitable allocation of resources between different sectors of the economy in order to build socialism in Cubas corrupt and underdeveloped economy  [21]  . He was vehemently opposed to what has today become the market strategy in the remaining few socialist countries marketisation, material incentives, and enterprise financial self-management. Anderson believes that Guevaras image is lionised by commercial profiteers around the world  [22]  . Entrepreneurs have used and abused Guevaras visage in a variety of ways including ice-cream flavours, revolutionary tacos and is even the public face of Cub a in relation to tourism. Although Guevaras Marxist and economic ideologies were systematic and meticulous, he failed at managing the Cuban economy, as he oversaw the near-collapse of sugar production, the failure of industrialisation, and the introduction of rationing. In a broader sense, some critics, such as Che-Mart (author unknown), have merchandised their dislike of Guevara by marketing burlesque T-shirts at both Guevara and his supporters, casting aspersions, for example, on what they perceive as an irony. The irony can be evidenced in that Guevara was a motivated communist who lived the last years of his life as a revolutionary figure, in order to abolish American capitalism throughout Latin America, but is now one of capitalisms hottest selling images. The creator of has written, Che has marketed his brand name brilliantly over the years, selling to specific niche in the market: young people who have no clue what Che has done or what he stands for. The cash continues to flow as most coll ege dorms world-wide are being adorned with his face. This comment eradicates Guevaras initial purpose and ideals of a world free of capitalism. Herewith, Guevaras legacy in an economic context is an ironic one, as what he fought against for so many years has allowed market oligopolies to take advantage and use his well-known visage to achieve what entrepreneurs love most: large profit margins from effective market capitalism. The complex facets of Che Guevaras revolutionary movement have created a mixture of interpretations through the passage of time, causing a distortion in the Guevara legend. He is singled out from other revolutionaries by many young people in the West because he rejected a comfortable bourgeois background to fight for those who were deprived of political power and economic stability. However, as evidenced in the thesis, Guevara was unsuccessful in his fight against peasant exploitation and Western capitalism. It is for this reason that Guevaras legacy is considered as rather disproportionate and can be regarded as a failure, when evaluating his political and economic success as a revolutionary. Paradoxically, Guevara can be considered a success as he has become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the philosophy that built it. It is the vulnerability of Guevaras spirit that makes him a contemporary hero although he might have failed as a revolutionary, he ha s somehow retained a powerful hold on the popular imagination, seeming to transcend time and place; his legacy continues to influence not only those who were inspired by him then but also those who are discovering him today.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Discovery of DNA’s Molecular Structure :: Science Genetics Papers

Theoretical models for the molecular structure of DNA can be likened to scientific theories. DNA’s structure was determined largely because scientists scrutinized the relationship between theory (a particular theoretical model of DNA) and observation (x-ray crystallographic patterns, or bonding patterns between bases and sugar-phosphate groups, for example). Inductivists, falsificationists, Kuhn, and Feyerabend all have different accounts of how scientists have related theory to observation. These accounts are important because, not only do they delineate frameworks scientists use to develop their theories, but because these frameworks subsequently became important in developing a theory for the molecular structure of DNA. The inductivist account of science recognizes five steps that are essential to scientific progress, and consequently, the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA. First, scientists compile a large body of facts from observation and experiment. Using the principle of induction, these facts can, often with severe logical difficulties, be generalized to form the basis for a theory or law. Then, once a theory has been developed, scientists can use the theory as part of a valid logical argument to make new predictions or explanations of phenomena. According to Chalmers, the inductivist account has â€Å"a certain appeal† to it, namely, that all of scientific progress can be seen as the result of a linear, highly structured inductive scientific method (54). â€Å"Its attraction lies in the fact that it does seem to capture in a formal way some of the commonly held intuitions about the special characteristics of scientific knowledge, namely its objectivity, its reliability, and its usefulness† (57). An inductivist account of the discovery of DNA’s molecular structure might proceed in the following way. First, early molecular biologists compiled a large body of facts from observation and experiment, such as Rosalind Franklin’s findings on the structure of DNA based on her x-ray crystallography work. From these facts, a theory of DNA structure was developed. Watson demonstrates, in The Double Helix how one aspect of DNA structure was determined from factual experimental observations. In the b-model of DNA, †¦the meridional reflection at 3.4 A was much stronger than any other reflection. This could only mean that the 3.4 A-thick purine and pyrimidine bases were stacked on top of each other in a direction perpendicular to the helical axis. In addition we could feel sure from both electron-microscope and X-ray evidence that the helix diameter was about 20 A (110).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Advantage and Disadvantages of Japanese Nationals Working in the Philippines Essay

â€Å"Teaching is learning. Teaching is enriching. Teaching is challenging, it’s trying in unimaginable ways. Teaching is motivating, it’s inspiring. Teaching is frustrating, it’s frightening. Teaching is growing. Teaching is loving. Teaching is a blessing. And being a teacher means that I have a lot to learn.† (anjaligill, 2011) A quote I have read on one article on the internet that actually touched my heart. I am not a teacher but appreciate the hardships of teachers throughout their journey to imparting to us student all they can for us to have a better future. Yes we have a lot of teachers here in our country but learning is not limited to only our country. Because of media and many other sources or information we have been exposed to other cultures and languages from many different countries. Thus which lead to us wanting to learn other culture and languages. Some of these languages are Korean, Japanese, Spanish, and French. And who else are more capable in teaching us these languages than the natives of theses languages themselves. That is why this study aims to shed a light on the existence of Japanese Language teachers that are working in the country. The first part of this paper is going to touch upon the rules that’s the immigration imposes on these aliens that wish to enter the country. What kind of permits and visas that must be secured in order to be able to work. Also it talks about the role of the Department Of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in allowing these aliens to have a fair and legal job here. The second part of my report talks about the different issues that these aliens have encountered over their years of working in the Philippines. For years now we have been hearing about the melodramatic life of an OFW, we’ve had a lot of articles on the different experience they have out there. But have we ever given a thought about these foreigners that come to our country not as tourist, but to look for jobs? Probably as teachers? What more these Japanese nationals working in Davao as Japanese language teachers? We’ve been so focused on Filipinos that we forget to check on these other people who are also making a living here in our country. This paper will try to shed a light on what are the most common difficulties and what are the measures they took in order to be able to overcome these obstacles. And I am hoping to gather these datas through interviewing some Japanese nationals residing in the country specially Davao. A. What are the necessary visa and permits these Japanese nationals must secure in order to be able to work in the country? B. Are they given enough compensation and benefits in their jobs? C. Why of all other country would they choose Philippines? D. What are the different experiences they have here? For the last part this paper will try to compile the gathered data and express what are the common advantages and disadvantages of experienced by these Japanese Language teachers working in the Philippines? Those are just some of a few things this study aims to shed a light on, and to give the readers a deeper understanding on their situation through their experiences. Review of Related Literature 1. Japanese Language as a Profession When we hear the word Japanese Language most of us would think: oh that’s all about kanji!† â€Å"That is a very hard language to learn†. Yes it is true, it is not an easy language to learn but it is also one of the most interesting of all. With all the variations in the conjugation of every word, to all the particles for every sentence, but most especially to the different strokes in their unique 3 writing styles namely hiragana katakana and kanji. In the beginning yeah it will be hard but in the long run you will be able to appreciate all the hardships you have gone through in order to reach that level. So because of that many people have engaged in learning the language. Some would say that if you really want to learn something you have to do it yourself. But then again because of the complexity of this language it has become hard for others. That is why we have come to the conclusion that who else is more capable to teach us the complicated and very meticulous language than these Japanese nationals themselves? But then again this poses a very big hindrance when it comes to language barriers. It is because before Japan has been a very secluded country that doesn’t want to open up to other country. That’s is why even though some Japanese wanted to teach Japanese it would be hard for them since that not all Japanese know English and since English is the universal language communication and explanation would be hard. But as years pass by and as Japan slowly open their doors to other countries, international colleges started to rise and because of this the Japanese nationals studying in such colleges are being exposed to the word and thus they became aware of the eagerness of other people to learn their language which triggered a domino effect to theses Japanese to teach them. 2. Philippine and Japan relation in terms of work Over the years the Philippines was known by the world as major exporter of skilled workers. They even have this saying that there is no country in the world that does not have Filipinos in it. From that this study aims to focus on the Japanese citizens working in the country. For decades there has been a noticeable relationship between Japan and the Philippines. May it be in terms of trading of goods, and even official development assistance funds also known as the (ODA). The relationship of these two countries not only varies in goods and monetary sector but even in human resources. The Philippines is reputed to be the leading exporter of labor in the world, ranging from the semi-skilled to professional and technical workers (CORTEZ, 2009). This greatly impacted on the yearly remittances that the OFW’s give to the country. At the same time Japanese engineers, managers, experts and other skilled workers have entered the Philippines to accompany, implement and manage the huge direct investments and overseas development assistance programs of Japan (Tereso S. Tullao, Jr. and Michael Angelo A. Cortez, 2004). The Japanese have remained the largest group of foreign workers in the country over the years (OECD 2001). This then greatly impacted the country in terms of tourism. 3. Naturals working overseas Due to the growing economic crisis in the world most people opt to work in other country to look for â€Å"greener pastures†. Approximately eight million Filipinos are overseas, representing almost ten percent of the nation’s population (Commission on Filipinos Overseas, 2004). And one good example to these is the growing migration rate in the Philippines. Where in most Filipinos think that because of the economic crisis in the Philippines and the Low salary that working overseas became a better option. Yes they may have big salaries and they may be able to experience other culture but at the end of the day these OFW’s would have to sacrifice being with their family for money. 4. Language Barriers In order to be able to teach students, communication is important and in communication Language is vital. This is what makes learning easy. Because through language student will be able to understand what the teacher wants to deliver. But in teaching language something these language barriers pose a very big problem. Especially for those language teachers who are native speakers of the language they are teaching and only know a little English. English, with its many varieties, is a language of international and therefore intercultural communication. (Sharifian, 2009). But then we all know that there are still some countries that are not open to accepting English as an international language and Japan is one of them. The people being raised to love their own country in other words in the ways of patriotism it became hard for them to open up an accept changes being brought by the modern world. Definition of terms 1) (AEP) Alien Employment Permit is a document issued by the Department of Labor and Employment which authorizes a foreign national to work in the Philippines. 2) Alien shall refer to the foreign nationals who intend to work in the country. Japanese Workers I. Immigration All foreign nationals can freely enter the Philippines with only a passport and other travel documents for business, leisure, and social visits. The Philippine Immigration Act of 1940 states Foreigners or â€Å"non-quota immigrants† may be admitted without considering such numerical limitations (CASTRO, August). The country has not been strict on allowing foreigners to enter, In fact Nationals from some countries are allowed to enter the Philippines without visas for a stay not exceeding twenty-one (21) days, provided they hold valid tickets for their return journey to port of origin or next port of destination (Bureau of Immigration 2007-2008), Japan being one of these countries are allowed to enter the country without visa. They must present for admission into the Philippines unexpired passports or official documents in the nature of passports issued by the governments of the countries to which they owe allegiance or other travel documents showing their origin and identity. II. Department Of Labor and Employment (DOLE) But when it comes to employment the Philippines is very strict at letting foreigners to work in the country. These aliens need to secure certain visas and permits before they can actually work here. Some of these are the a)Alien Employment Permit (AEP), b)Special Work permit, and the c)9g Prearranged Employment Visa. a) Alien Employment Permit (AEP) is a document issued by the Department of Labor and Employment which authorizes a foreign national to work in the Philippines. This permit must be petitioned by a company to allow a foreigner to work locally and is the requirement for a 9g visa as well as several other visas. The employment permit may be issued to a non-resident alien or to the applicant employer after a determination of the non-availability of a person in the Philippines who is competent, able and willing at the time of application to perform the services for which the alien is desired (Labor Code of the Philippines PD 442, Article 40). Article 41 of the Labor Code provides: â€Å"After the issuance of employment permit, the alien shall not transfer to another job or change his employer without prior approval of Secretary of Labor and Employment.† In addition the alien who is found to be working without an AEP or an expired AEP shall pay a fine of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000) for every year to the Regional Director (DOLE Department Order No. 75-06 (Series of 2006)) and shall be subject to deportation after service of his sentence (Ferrolino, 2009). b) Special Work Permit is given by employers to foreigners that will only work for a brief time in the Philippines usually less than 6 months that can be extended for another 6 months and they are not required to apply for a (AEP) from DOLE ( Triple i Consulting Inc., 2005). c) 9g Prearranged Employment Visa is given to any foreign national who will be employed in the Philippines and occupying a technical, executive, managerial or a highly confidential position in a company for at least one year, can apply for an employment visa under Sec. 9(g) of the Philippine Immigration Act. III. Issues/Problems 1) What are the necessary visa and permits these Japanese nationals must secure in order to be able to work in the country? As to the rules of immigration and DOLE these Japanese nationals knowing that they are considered as aliens must be able secure an AEP before they can work. But according to one of my respondents who is ms. Ariza Okumura, that she only secured a working visa which is valid for only two years, before she got to work in our school. 2) Are they given enough compensation and benefits in their jobs? When it comes to compensations and benefits we all know that Philippines really give a very low compensation rate in terms of salary. According to the National Wages and Productivity Commission minimum wage in the National Capital Region ranges from P456.00 to P419.00 depending on the type of job, while in Davao city it ranges from P301.00 to P270.00. Clearly this kind of wages will not be enough to support a family that is why these families that are working here in Davao always keep a tight budget on their money. According to Miss Ariza Okumura, a Japanese Language teacher in Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku â€Å"if I live for a long time for example ten (10) years or more? The salary is okay. But if if have plan of one year or three years? The salary is low.† Mr. Tanino also a Japanese Language Teacher in MKD said â€Å"the salary is low†. True enough even these aliens or Japanese nationals to be exact who is working here in the Philippines have also experienced the very low salary here. In another interview I conducted this time it is from Takako Okamoto, also a Japanese language teacher in MKD she said â€Å"I think it is enough, for Japanese nationals’ teacher†. From this we can see the different points of view of these Japanese in terms of the compensation given to them. But one thing is for sure, they do not want the money, it’s their love of teaching and imparting what they know to those who are willing to learn. 3) Why of all other country would they choose Philippines? Some would say that Philippines is a good place to relax because of its serene beauty and it is also close to nature because it is rich in natural resources. The country being an archipelago means it is close to beaches which attracts tourist from all over the world to come here. A few would even say they want to go to the Philippines because of Filipinos have been known to the world as hospitable kind of people. But when it comes to employment there have been also very many speculations upon the capacity of the country to cater workers because of the ongoing crisis in its economy and a whole lot more. But even so after all these negative comments and speculations some still chose to work here. One good example is Ariza Okumura, MKD teacher she said during our interview that it was here choice to work here and when I asked her why this is what she told me â€Å"before when I was student we had a school trip and I came here in Davao. Also I really want to teach Japanese in foreign country†. Almost all of the Japanese language teachers I have interviewed said the same thing. That it was in their own will to go to the Philippines. In a follow up question I had which was â€Å"did you originally come here as a teacher?† I was amazed at their answers. Takako Okamoto, a MKD teacher said â€Å"I chose Philippines as a place for volunteer work.† Tanino, who is also a MKD teacher, said he first came to the Philippines to work for a company named sharp. From their answers it was clear that teaching was not their real objective in coming here, but the longer they stayed the more they fell in love with the country and its people. â€Å"During the time I met many Filipino Filipina and then they took care of me well and then I don’t like to forget everything they did for me. After one year four months I came back to Japan and decided to help the Filipino resident in the Philippines as Japanese Language teacher.† Said Okamoto sensei. 4) What are the different experiences they have here? We can finish up all day if we talk about experiences, but these are one of the parts of the lives of the people which make us actually say that we are alive. Through these experiences we learn and from these learning we can adjust in order to make things better. When it was time to ask them this question I observed that they had a very hard time in picking which experience they wanted to share. One of them said that being with students everyday are counted as one of their memorable experience, one also said that seeing the students learning is their most unforgettable experience. But there is one story that actually touched my heart. It was from Takako Okamoto she told me â€Å"actually he’s a last year graduator. He hated any kind of teacher, he hated study Japanese especially. He was lazy to attend all the class he was lazy to pass shukudai (assignments), and then sometimes he was against to the teachers. But I have been continuing to approach to him. Siguro very Samok sa kanya *how about your shukudai ? *how many times absent you might be dropped! Like that. Whenever I see him I say something. Finally he changed, he changed totally. He had a focus on study in nihongo but it was already 4th year. But I found his changes. Before RP Japan I was telling him, I know you are good at nihongo. You try to attend speech contest in RP Japan. In his speech he was saying to me thank you, like saying because of me he was changed. But for one week he got dengue and was absent. Nobody expected he could attend the speech. But he came, and said *Sensei I’m Here.† It may not mean as much to you but as I saw her as she was telling me this story you would see the happiness in her eyes. The kind of happiness that meant showed how their job as a teacher can be very rewarding, that even the small thing could make a big difference. Conclusion I admit I started late in doing this paper. But in those limited amount of time left, I was still able to learn new things through this. First is the importance of time. Know this is not port of my paper but I was able to learn and appreciate time, and how to use it wisely and productively. Second is the importance of work, as to why people look for jobs. Another is I learned to appreciate the teachers more. This happened during the times I was able to interview a few of them. At first I was hesitant in conducting interviews because I was afraid of the teachers, but then I said to myself â€Å"what’s there to lose?† So when I started the interviews I realized that I should not be afraid of these teachers because their only goal it to teach is to become a better person. That they are doing what they do not to make us suffer but to make us learn, I was able to see that â€Å"the students are the only ones who are making themselves suffer†. I also came to a conclusion that in all we do there’s a good and bad side to it. Isaac Newton’s third law of motion said that â€Å"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction†. In life that is also proven true, with everything we do, even in may it be as a person, as an employee, etc. there will always be an advantage and a disadvantage. Yes Japanese language is very interesting but at the same time it is also very complicated and hard to learn. Even the Japanese Language teachers themselves said that its hard and it really takes time. That even they as a teacher they also have to adjust to their approach to the students. Which brings us to the conclusion that teaching as a language teacher is not just a profession but also a lifestyle, where in it has its up and downs, the good and the bad, and its own advantages and disadvantages. Bibliography Triple i Consulting Inc. (2005). Retrieved february 21, 2013, from anjaligill. (2011, august 19). What Teaching Means to Me and Why it is Important†¦. Retrieved january 20, 2012, from CASTRO, J. M. (August, 11 2009). Philippines Visas, Permits and Immigration. Retrieved february 6, 2013, from CORTEZ, M. A. (2009). Japan-Philippines Free Trade Agreement: Oppotunities for the movement of workers. RITSUMEIKAN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS , 126. Ferrolino, T. (2009). Employment of Foreigner

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chester Company Essay

A unique and interesting problem arose when one company, a monopoly within the business-to-business (B2B) sensor market, split into six companies with identical products and equal footing within the market. As Director of Finance for Chester Company, one of the newly formed entities, it is important for me to identify a strategy that will enable the company to remain viable and be successful in the future. An in-depth analysis of the industry situation report provided good metrics to project future customer desires and total market potential. In order to be successful, the strategy that the management team develops must work within the identified parameters while attempting to predict how the other five companies in the B2B sensor market will proceed. There are only two segments of the B2B sensor market: low technology and high technology. The only product Chester Company offers currently fulfills the needs of both markets but this will change as the newly formed entities revise and develop products to meet customer needs. The high tech segment is appealing but will require continual investment in research and development to maintain the standards that customers expect. It will be easier to meet the needs of the customers within the low tech segment but there will likely be more competition for market share. 1. The strategy that I would like to see the management of Chester Company adopt over the next five years is that of â€Å"niche cost leader† (Capsim Management Simulations, 2012) for the low technology segment of the B2B sensor market and to obtain thirty-five percent of that market. This will be achieved by appealing to customers’ sense of thrift. To cut prices below the competition, management should retain the current product and not invest much in research and development. Production costs must also be greatly reduced. To do this, an early investment in automation is necessary as it will reduce labor expenses in future years which will increase the margin and profitability of the company. This investment will be financed through the issuance of stock and long term bonds. I also plan to provide the marketing department with a very generous budget in the first couple of years to aggressively target the market and increase the awareness and accessibility of the product early on. Short term borrowing will be necessary to finance operations and provide a cash cushion to prevent the need for an emergency loan. 2. There is a great chance for Chester Company to earn good profits within the low tech segment over the next five years. Although the price of the product must be kept to a minimum this will be offset by decreasing costs which increases the contribution margin. Also, there is greater demand for products in the low technology segment of the B2B sensor market which is expected to increase approximately ten percent each year. However, Chester Company shareholders may realize a loss in the first year due to the high marketing budget and cost of labor because the automation rating is low. Unfortunately, some sacrifices will need to be made early on to realize greater profits in the long term. 3. The product that is most important to the success of Chester Company is Cake; the product currently being produced. During the first year of business, this product will have the ability to appeal to customers across both segments of the B2B sensor market and will ultimately become the favored product of the low tech segment. Management will take advantage of the dual appeal of Cake in the first year by taking a portion of both the low tech and high tech markets in an attempt to retain some profitability. Ultimately, the product will be positioned so that it takes a large portion of the low tech market and will likely not take any portion of the high tech market by the fifth year. The plan that I developed focuses primarily on the success of the company for the next five years as there will be a lot of volatility in the market and further projections are impossible to make at this time. It is difficult to predict how the competitors within the B2B sensor market will be positioned which makes it essential for management to decrease costs as much as possible and increase market share within the low technology segment of the market. My advice to the rest of the management team is to avoid the appeal of developing a new product for either market early on and to avoid the high tech market altogether within the first five years because it will be difficult enough to remain profitable and succeed without squandering business assets on developing a product which will have little chance of being profitable within that timeframe.